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Meet friends to geocache with! Visit our social platforms, join a local geocaching organization, or go to an event.
- 1. Social media and geocaching organizations
- 2. Forum
- 3. On site
- 4. Geocacher disagreements
- 5. Brochures and presentation
- 6. Waymarking
1. Social media and geocaching organizations
1.1. Social media channels
Connect with fellow geocachers and get the latest news and updates from Geocaching HQ.
- Facebook — news, updates, and interaction with other geocachers
- Twitter — information about new releases and outages/problems with the website
- Instagram — your daily dose of inspirational geocaching images
- YouTube — never miss a geocaching video again
- Geocaching blog — announcements, articles, all things geocaching
1.2. Cachemoji
Sticker app for iOS iPhone and iPad
This iOS app allows you to send custom geocaching stickers using iMessage on your iPhone or iPad.
Available for download on the iTunes App Store.
Requires iOS 10.3 or later.
Use Cachemoji
- Download the app.
- Open a new iMessage and select the sticker app icon.
- Select the more options icon.
- Select Store.
- Switch the toggle next to the Cachemoji icon and it will then be installed on your iMessage application.
- Anytime you want to use a custom geocaching sticker, select the sticker app icon in your message to select a Cachemoji.
Note: This is only compatible with iMessage on iPhones and iPads at this time and does not work with other messaging apps.
1.3. Geocaching groups and organizations
One of the best ways to learn about geocaching and connect with your local geocaching community is to join a geocaching organization.
Check out our list and map of geocaching groups and organizations, a list of orgs we "vetted" with input from community volunteers and Geocaching HQ staff.
If you are outside of the areas currently covered by our list and map, our regional forums offer a great way to find a local geocaching group or organization.
Add a geocaching group or organization to the list
This list is a work in progress. We expect to expand the list to other countries and add groups and organizations that are active in their communities and are contributing to geocaching in positive ways. Reach out to us with the group you'd like to see included.
Closed Facebook groups
Generally, a Facebook group is closed because it wants to reduce exposure to spammers. It doesn't mean the group isn't open to new members! Click Join Group on the group's page and a request will be sent to the group's administrator.
2. Forum
2.1. Forum basics
Forum purpose
The goal of the Geocaching Forum is to promote the activity of geocaching and GPS usage. It is a friendly social network for GPS enthusiasts around the world.
It is an open forum sponsored by Geocaching HQ for discussing all aspects of
- Geocaching
- Waymarking
- Wherigo
- GPS usage
- Other geocaching-related GPS gaming
A thread that is deemed off-topic may be closed by community volunteer moderators.
Forum guidelines
Please read and accept our Geocaching Forum guidelines before you post your first message.
Geocaching HQ and the global geocaching community encourage contributors who are courteous, polite, and respectful. We discourage those who choose to behave in a disrespectful and/or irresponsible manner.
Forum moderators
Forum moderators are generous community volunteers who gently enforce the forum guidelines, as needed. They help to preserve the spirit of an open, interactive discussion without offending participants.
See a list of our friendly forum moderator team, or find the Forum Moderators for a forum at the very bottom of each forum section.
2.2. Log into the forum
You can see forum content without logging in. To post a new comment, you must sign in.
- Select Existing user? Sign In in the top right of the page.
- Enter your Geocaching username and password.
- Select Sign In.
Make sure that your browser allows cookies before you log in.
Tip: If you forgot your password, reset your password on Geocaching.com.
2.3. Search the forums
Search for topics, posts and members
Enter a keyword in the search bar on the top right. Use Advanced Search to filter results
- By content titles and body
- By content titles only
- By author
- That contain all of your search terms
- That contain any of your search terms
- By Date Created
- By Last Updated
Find a list of threads with new topics
- Select Activity at the top of the forum page.
- Select Unread Content.
Find the latest unread post in a topic
- Select Activity at the top of the forum page.
- Select the blue dot to the left of the thread name.
You can also create a custom view for new content:
- Select Activity at the top of the forum page.
- Select Unread Content.
- Under Read Status, select Unread item links take me to the first unread comment.
- Select Save As New Stream and add a stream name.
- Find your new stream under My Activity Streams.
Create a custom activity stream for subforums
New posts in subforums like EarthCaches or regional forums like United Kingdom and Ireland do not show up in the "All Activity" stream. Create a custom activity stream for the subforums you want to follow.
- Select Activity at the top of the forum page.
- Select Unread Content.
- Under Content Types, select Topics and choose one or more forums or subforums.
- Select Save As New Stream and add a stream name.
- Find your new stream under My Activity Streams.
2.4. Edit forum profile and settings
Edit your profile photo
- Log out of the forums.
- Go to your account settings.
- Edit your profile photo.
- Select Save Changes.
- Log back into the forums to see your changes.
Edit your forum signature
- Select your username in the top right corner of the forum website.
- Select Account Settings.
- Select Signature and edit your signature.
- Select Save.
Note: Currently it is not possible to edit your forum title.
Edit notification settings
- Select your user name in the top right corner.
- Select Account Settings.
- Select Notification Settings on the right.
- Choose the kind of notifications you want to receive for different content.
3. On site
3.1. Search for another player
- Go to your Dashboard.
- Select Find another player.
- Type in their username, and then select Go.
3.2. Contact another player
- Go to the player’s profile page.
- Select either Send
message or Send e-mail.
Tip: You can also send a player an email using the Send E-Mail to a User page.
3.3. Report a bug
The best way to report a bug is in the forums.
- First see if the issue has already been reported.
- Add new information to an existing thread.
- Start a new thread if the bug has not yet been reported. Be sure to use a specific topic title and description. For example: "500 error when editing cache page"
Tip: You can also find reports of fixes and temporary solutions to known issues in the forums.
Include information and repro steps
We will get to the bottom of a bug much quicker if you include these details:
- Specific steps to reproduce the bug.
- Your Operating System. Windows XP or Mac 10.4
- Your browser and version number. IE 7.0, Firefox 2.01, or Opera 9.1
- Does it happen in other browsers on your computer?
- GC code if the bug occurred on a cache page.
- Additional information that can help.
3.4. Unsupported devices and browsers
Our websites and mobile apps have certain technology requirements that may change from time to time. If you device or browser does not meet these requirements, our website or mobile apps may not work properly or at all.
The Geocaching® mobile app will not work on
- Any device not running the iOS or Android operating system.
- iOS (Apple)
- Anything below iOS 15. While logged in with your Apple ID, check the Geocaching® app in the Apple App Store to confirm that your device is compatible.
- Android (Google)
- Anything below Android version 7.0. While logged into your Google account check the Geocaching® app listing in the Google Play store to confirm that your device is compatible.
Unsupported web browsers
The Geocaching.com, Waymarking.com and Wherigo.com websites will not work properly on any web browser that
- No longer receives support or patches from its parent company.
- Does not support TLS 1.2.
Also, we no longer support certain older browsers and aren’t able to respond to feature requests or fix bugs for those browsers.
Check what browser version you're currently running.
Upgrade your browser
Upgrade to the latest version of a supported web browser to help avoid negative impact or feature limitations. Supported browsers are:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Opera
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
3.5. Place names for UK and Ireland
Geographical regions allow geocachers to focus on the recreational aspect of geocaching, rather than associate geocaching with political differences, and allows local Reviewers to oversee a specific geographic region.
Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, but with the Republic of Ireland, it is also part of the geographical island of Ireland. Geocaching HQ decided to group the two together under the one designation of Ireland. This decision was made together with Volunteer Reviewers from the UK and Ireland, the forum community, prominent members of Geocaching Ireland and the Geocaching Association of Great Britain, and Geocaching HQ. The decision received widespread support from the geocaching community.
On Geocaching.com, assigned regions in the United Kingdom and Ireland follow non-political, geographical divisions: Regions in Great Britain are assigned geographical names like Southern Scotland or West Midlands. Similarly, regions in Ireland are assigned geographical names like Munster & Ulster. Geocachers in Northern Ireland can select the region of Ulster.
Geocaching HQ recognizes that Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom, and is distinct from the Republic of Ireland (RoI).
4. Geocacher disagreements
4.1. Geocacher disagreement
All geocachers should feel safe and comfortable as they pursue their outdoor adventures. If you have a negative experience with another player, there are some things you can do:
- Talk things out. Give them the benefit of the doubt — they might not be aware of the impact of their actions.
- Choose not to engage with them. You have the opportunity to do the right thing and walk away. There are over three million other geocaches out there to go find!
- Escalate the issue to Geocaching HQ.
Behavior that Geocaching HQ will act on
A disagreement must meet all of the following criteria for Geocaching HQ to take action.
- The disagreement takes place on Geocaching.com. There are messages or links that you can forward to the Community Team such as photo galleries, posted logs, or messages sent through the Messenger Center.
We will not be able to take action if the disagreement took place in person, through personal email, or on another website (e.g. Facebook, Twitter). - The disagreement clearly violates our Terms of Use, such as obscenity or hate speech.
- The disagreement is severe and/or pervasive.
Behavior that Geocaching HQ will not act on
- Rude behavior. Some geocachers may create a negative experience for other geocachers, but their behavior does not violate our Terms of Use.
- Stolen geocaches or
trackables . If you suspect that someone has taken your geocache, please contact your local law enforcement. We do not have the resources or authority to intervene. - FTF (First to Find). While FTF is a fun, community-driven aspect of the game, it is not officially recognized by Geocaching HQ.
4.2. Log deletion
Geocache log deletion
If the cache owner deletes your log, make sure that you logged the cache according to the guidelines and Terms of Use.
Contact the cache owner privately to ask why they deleted the log. Note that logs are not an appropriate communication channel to resolve disagreements.
If you cannot come to an agreement with the cache owner, contact Geocaching HQ.
Trackable log deletion
We do not reinstate any logs regarding
5. Brochures and presentation
5.1. Brochures and presentation
PDF Brochures
The geocaching brochure shows a quick overview of the game and how to get started.
- English
- Česky / Czech
- Dansk / Danish
- Deutsch / German
- Español / Spanish
- Français / French
- Nederlands / Dutch
- Norsk
,Bokmål / Norwegian - Português / Portuguese
- Suomi / Finnish
- Svenska / Swedish
PowerPoint presentation
“Introduction to geocaching” teaches new geocachers about the game. It explains geocaching basics such as
- What's in a cache
- Cache types
- Trackables
Before you download the presentation, please read and agree to the Copyright Permission and Approval Terms.
Add your organization’s logo at the bottom of each slide. You can also remove slides to shorten the presentation.
6. Waymarking
6.1. Waymarking basics
Waymarking uses GPS coordinates to mark, visit, and share locations around the world. Waymarking highlights interesting places like historical buildings, statues, or natural locations.
Waymarks are grouped into categories such as:
Post a Waymark log
- Visit a Waymark before you log it online.
- In the Waymark description, select Visit Waymark (Post Log).
- Enter a comment and select Submit Visit.
Delete a Waymark log
- Select Edit Visit.
- Select Delete this Log at the bottom of the page.
- Select Update Log.
Waymarking scavenger hunts
The goal of a Waymarking scavenger hunt is to find a specific collection of Waymarks. A hunt can range in difficulty from a simple search within a few miles of your starting point to one that covers many thousands of miles! Find out more about Waymarking scavenger hunts.6.2. Submit a new Waymark
- From Waymarking.com, select Post a New Waymark on the right.
- Fill out the details and select Save and Continue.
- Upload a photo.
- Select Preview and Submit.
- Select Submit Waymark for Review.
You will the see status of your Waymark near the top of the page in red.
Review timeline
Generally, a Waymarking officer will review your Waymark within 72 hours of submission. A review can take longer if
- Your listing entered the voting process.
- The volume of new listings is higher than normal.
Tip: Questions about Waymarking are best answered in the Waymarking forums.
Escalate the review process
If a listing receives no action or remains in vote for a longer than 7 days, contact Wayfrog to escalate the review process. Include the Waymark Code (WM XXXX) in your message.
6.3. Contact a Waymark owner
- Log into your Waymarking account or sign up for a free Waymarking account.
- From the Waymark description, select the username next to Posted by.
- From the user profile, select Send message.
- Compose your message and select Send Email.
Reasons to contact a Waymark owner
- Ask permission to use photos from a Waymark.
- Get information about a specific Waymark.
- Correct inaccurate information on a Waymark.